EOC Topology Blocks of Flats
Internet and IPTV in Apartment blocks using EOC – Ethernet over coax cable technology – and use existing coax cable wiring!
1 – Apartment complex – Internet and HD IPTV for residents
Multifloors apartments house, guesthouses or hotel with an existing coaxial lines needs new services to be aplied easily and without additional cables, internet and IPTV to be installed individualy to each flat-hotel room. Thanks to the several floors whole area is hard to cover by WiFi signal demanding to install the hardware and even the amount of WiFi accesspoints would significantly burden the electricity bill, not mentioning reliability of conectivity. Getting new cabelling also is not always possible. Therefore, let’s make use of the coaxial lines that is almost always present either as a common TV antenna (Tree topography) and or lines of satellite with hub (Star topography).
1. unbeatable price supported with own already working firmwares and years of experiences with small to huge projects
2. reliable network without blackouts
Example deployment already made in practice:
Wodaplug EOC Reference-deployment in apartment buildings connected through optical line to the Internet and IPTV and continues to each entrance and than over already existing coaxial wiring:
In apartaments, where already existed coaxial wiring, and the splliters and distribution of common TV antenna. Television company guy simply modified the active elements in a network for each entrance of the House so that operating frequency band 6-65 MHz can pass thru in both directions, and after that we used Wodaplug EOC master to enter into the hub, and combiners/individual flats then we install the end Wodaplug EOC Slave units. For each of the a residential house is typically one Master on one common coaxial network. The master unit has the IP web management for service settings/VLAN and QOS for individual clients. EOC line acts as a transparent, smart Layer2 switch.
Therefore, in the each apartments complex connected by optical line, we connected it to the master EOC Wodaplug unit via Gbit converter. There was a total of 5 connected wodaplug slave EOC1121R4L clients in the flats of end customers. The cabins are on a specific Vlan runs in the form of multicast IPTV. It is tested that the master unit can handle 4 clients to deliver data for 4 different HD multicast programs. 5 channel on the fifth unit was only SD, a total of approximately 200 MB/s flow. Each HD program that we ran so moving data between 40-50Mbit/s. At least this flow flowed on one Vlan. At the same time with this multicast TV operation still ran the internet and the speed of 100Mbit down. Booked 20 MB for each customer on the internet. A total of about +-300Mbit operation. When this stress everything worked and the image on any channel nechyboval. If we are already on the fifth slave unit also turned on the HD programme (for more then 5-th different HD program), so we have already started IPTV and make mistakes in different ways at different times on different slave units began to kostičkovat the image and or tear (he stopped for a moment and then jumped in the storyline forward and ran). Therefore, we have reached the limit of the capacity of the EOC, which according to the provided link is between 300-350 MB/s. Therefore for use with IPTV with HD programs applicable for 4 up to max 5 Slave units + 100Mbit flow to be reserved for internet. There is a full band for data transfer has been utilized, can lower reserved section for the internet if it was needed in one coax xable network/the entrance of the House more than 4 customers with HD IPTV.
So in a nutshell, that’s all about the practical test and deploy with HD IPTV. If it is only on the internetnet, so it’s tranquility and works up to 20 users and we do not know about it. Ing Ludek Maly, TlapNet.
Connection to the EOC network using existing coax wiring with splitters and Amplifier – working example
2 – apartment houses connected by coax
This is a practical realized example of Wodaplug EOC technologie connection into the existing SAT/TV splitter of 2 neighbor apartment – ilustration of the situation:
Detail of the previous existing splitter – in house n. 1 is merger with amplifier and with a splitter, in house n. 2 is amplifier and splitter. Then where should we place a data entrance and how we can solve a amplifier pass thru?

Solution : In a point A in house n.1 connect thru a diplex filtr Wodaplug EOC Master TV and DATA come into the splitter in the house 1 and at the same time into the house 2. At the entrance of the house 2 (in place of the red arrow) insert a diplex filter – input will merge the DATA with TV. Output of the TV plug into the existing amplifier. To the point D connect other diplex filter– TV input into the amplifier output. The merged output of TV and DATA plug into the splitter. All we have left are the two outputs of a DATA on these diplex filters – connect them with the cable and now it start working – so data will go outside of the amplifier – so called bypas.

Result : TV and data running in both houses! Photo of complete functional connection.
3 – prefabricated block of flats, 4 main doors, each 20 flats – up to 4 MASTER units on one coaxial cable network
- This is in practice functional connection example
- In most cases you can secure the network without unnecessary additional costs
- Do not know how to do it ??? matter, please contact us and we will help.
Generally for STA / TV distribution apply the same what at first point topology. Here, we also took advantage of that up to 4 MASTER units can coexist on a single coaxial cable and so we parted entrances / flats in 4 sections.
Up to 4 MASTER unit will connect to the switch-fed internet. An example configuration MASTER units below for each other MASTER set A different Static SNID (number 1 to 15), and we also recommended other network password to contact him only the SLAVE unit designated by. Otherwise, everything in case A.